Brand Equity of Apple

This is the detailed brand equity analysis of Apple which has been operating in technology industry since 1976. It was founded by Steve jobs and considered as one of the innovative company in the domain of technology. Apple differentiate itself form competitors on the...

Brand Equity of Starbucks

This is the detailed brand equity analysis of Starbuck which has been operating in coffee shop industry since 1971. The company is based in US however, it has global reach and having around 28,000 outlets. it has distinguished itself from the competitors based on the...

The Brand Equity of Samsung

This is the brand equity of Samsung who has been operating in electronic industry. Samsung is known for quality smart TVs and phones however, they are also doing in other products as well. Brand AssociationsThe perceived value of Samsung in the sight of consumers is...

Brand Equity of Marlboro

This is the detailed brand equity analysis of Marlboro which is renowned America brand  owned and manufactures by Philip Morris USA.Brand AssociationMarlboro’s branding strategy built the mental association, created a feeling and pushed all the benefits. It is...

Brand Equity of L’Oréal

This is the detailed brand equity analysis of L’Oréal which has been operating in personal care industry since Year 1909 and continuously strengthen its brand value by offering high quality products to the customers.  Brand AssociationsL’Oréal is busy...

Brand Equity of Huawei

Founded in 1987, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd is a Chinese multinational networking and telecommunications equipment and services company. Their ICT solutions are now available in almost 170 countries which show that they have expanded and grown in all these years....
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