This is the detailed brand equity analysis of Starbuck which has been operating in coffee shop industry since 1971. The company is based in US however, it has global reach and having around 28,000 outlets. it has distinguished itself from the competitors based on the coffee teste and Ambiance.

Brand Associations

Starbucks stays connected with the community by offering different types of services. It started to store trash bags and reduce their paper napkins to a great extent. Starbucks got ranked on 15th position in the list of Top 25 Green Power Partners in 2008. Starbucks is one of the biggest purchasers of Fair Trade Certified Coffee. The purpose of this movement is the betterment of farmers and their farms. Hear Music is the Starbucks’ company which allows customers to customize the music to make a superb coffee shop experience. It is also committed to helping the community. Starbucks acquired the water brand, Ethos, to fund water projects in underdeveloped areas. Since 2010, Starbucks has been donating surplus food to local food centers through Food Donation Connection service.

Brand Awareness

Starbucks’ partnership with many companies was done to introduce improved service to its customers. Partnership with Apple was done to make coffee shop experience more entertaining. The partnership of Starbucks and Arizona State University resulted in giving education facilities to the company’s employees. To distribute its products in Latin American countries, Starbucks made a deal with PepsiCo in 2015. Starbucks makes use of social media channels for its products’ introduction. It has done radio and TV advertisements, product giveaways, discount promotions, and promotional campaigns. For Portland’s people, Starbucks introduced a mobile app named Order & Pay in 2015 to help customers to pay the bills from their smartphones. They just need to scan the barcode on their phones over the outlet’s scanner.

Brand Loyalty

Starbucks is the world’s biggest coffee chain. The company serves original ingredients at an affordable cost keeping its health and cost-conscious customers in mind. As per 2017 results, this company has 27,339 outlets worldwide.Starbucks offers a marvelous environment, realizing that people need to share a pleasant time with their friends and this is one of the fact why people love Starbucks. From 2009-2017 by Forbes, Starbucks has been one of the world’s most admired companies. This company is on the run to provide excellent coffee worldwide and to make the world feel better.

Brand Assets

Starbucks was founded in 1971 and has its headquarters in Seattle. Starbucks not only sell world’s top fresh-roasted coffee, but it also serves its customers with elite teas, beverages, sandwiches, ice-creams, cakes, salads, and coffee-brewing equipment. Starbucks subsidiaries involve Starbucks Coffee, Evolution Fresh, Tazo, Teavana, Seattle’s Best Coffee, Hear Music, La Boulange, Ethos Water, and Torrefazione Italia Coffee.

Brand Elements

The founders of the company named it on the whaling ship, Pequod’s chief mate’s name, Starbuck. They went through some marine books and found a twin-tailed mermaid perfect for their company’s logo. The use of this logo is to attract coffee lovers from everywhere. The futuristic design of logo with soothing colors always catches the attention of people. The mermaid brought great success to the company and Starbucks has now become the best coffee seller worldwide providing consumers with up to 87,000 possible drink combos.

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