The field of advertising management is made up of a system of interacting organizations and institutions, all of which play a role in the advertising process. At the core of this system are advertisers, the organizations that provide the financial resources that support advertising. Advertising is classified on the basis of the following principles;

1. Purpose

2. Media type used

3. Advertising scale and

4. Budget


National Advertising

As clear from the term itself, it refers to advertising on a national scale, where the manufacturer stimulates the demand of the product he is offering to the ultimate customers. It refers chiefly to advertising done by a producer to get people to by his branded goods, whenever they are sold. As the advertiser is addressing to a wide audience, the immediate sales can not be expected just by a single insertion of the advertisement.

Local and Regional Advertising

As the name shows, this advertisement is confined to one specific region of any country. This is done when a product is available and is being consumed on a regional level; such advertisement takes place either from the manufacturer, the retailer or the whole seller. Just like this the local advertising is what people are pretty much familiar with as the medium is daily newspapers, radio, etc. The product which is available to the local consumers is advertised through local advertisement.

Retail Advertising

Service organizations or the local merchants’ convey their message through retail advertising. In this, the customers are directly addressed and are induced in such a way to visit the nearest store and shop the product. The exemplary bodies are the super markets, departmental stores, discount stores etc.

Trade and Professional Advertising

This type of advertising specifically focuses on the professional people, retailers and the whole sellers. The manufacturers aim at these people through this advertising in order to persuade them to stock its products and to feature them in their respective stores, and run a national advertising campaign for their retail advertisement.

Industrial Advertising

Industrial marketing is similar to the marketing of durables in that advertising can rarely be expected to make the sales. Rather, a salesperson is usually required to supply information and to handle the deals of the transaction. Advertising in this case, can provide the engineer or buyers with the opportunity to express interest in the product by returning a card which is request for additional information.

Image advertising

The image advertising is undertaken by an organization in order to enhance its importance and value e.g. if the context “what we do” is addressed, then an image is used to nurture the pertinent purpose which enhances the life of a specific product.

The advertising management heavily focuses on all the decision making activities which require managerial and as well as financial direction, through development of advertising. The main function of advertising is to inform, and persuade the people (through central or peripheral route) to get motivated and take some action to what they are exposed to.

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