This is the detailed brand equity analysis of Dabur which has been operating in this industry for more than 120 years.

Brand Awareness

Dabur India Ltd is Indian famous FMCG Company ranked on the fourth position. It is operating in the country from over 120 years and built on trust and quality. It has proven its professionalism and expertise in areas of health care, foods and home care. It is marketed in more than 50 countries. It is a leader in herbal digestives and estimated to have 90% of the market share. It has created awareness through effective use of digital marketing. It tried to gain the advantage of e-commerce, and tried hard to sell and marketed the products online. This helped in gaining the huge customer base and many people get to know about the company (PTI, 2017).

Brand Association

As many of the products offered by Dabur are mass items, there are also some other items which use behavioral and demographic market segmentation such as Nature’s Best was introduced for targeting the institutional sales such as airlines hotels etc. This form of segmentation has helped Dabur making its product more affordable for consumers to buy especially for the societies’ income strata. It also targeted household also but mainly middle class people buy its products, because they find it more economical. It also started selling online to facilitate customers (PTI, 2017; Gupta, 2008).

Brand Asset

Dabur is a well-known and successful FMCG company, with the turnover of about Rs.1899.57 crore. It has powerful brands like Dabur Chyawanprash, Dabur Amla, Hajmola, and real vatika. It is one of the biggest natural health and Ayurveda Company across the globe with the broader range of herbal and Ayurveda products. It sells both traditional and through online, and hence gain more revenue than before (Bhasin, 2017).

Brand Loyalty

Dabur is successful in maintaining its good rand image across different countries, which helped it in gaining huge customer base. Thus helping it in growing and expanding rapidly. Moreover, consumers perceived it as the reliable and quality products manufacturer, thus occupying the greater market of India. Its major customer force belongs to middle class people, who are looking for affordable products. This helps the company in producing more products, and targeting different segments. It target consumers through effective communication channels, which help in engaging the consumers regularly (Bhasin, 2017).

Brand Element

The logo of the brand is the tree with Dabur written in green and orange. This tree symbolizes the brand products under the one name, and produce environmental friendly product for the better use of the community. Its tagline “celebrate life” reflects clearly on its offering which let people to enjoy. It has convenience, and products are available easily everywhere. It has its own website, where it deals with customer, provide every update, and take orders from consumers because of e-commerce revolution in the industry (PTI, 2017).


Bhasin, H. 2017. Marketing strategy of Dabur. [Online], Available at:, [Accessed on: 31st March, 2018].
Gupta, M. 2008. Dabur scripts new brand strategy. [Online], Available at:, [Accessed on: 31st March, 2018].
PTI, 2017. Dabur bets big on digital marketing. [Online], Available at:, [Accessed on: 31st March, 2018].

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