A good or a product is a complex concept that must be carefully defined. As the first of the four marketing mix variables it is often where strategic planning begins. Product strategy calls for making coordinated decisions of the individual products, product lines and the product mix. Products and services can be though of as occupying three levels, core, actual and augmented respectively.

Consumer products are something which is aimed to the mass market. These are also known as final products. Consumer products are usually classified according to how consumer buys them i.e. convenience, shopping, specialty, or unsought. In broader term s. consumer goods are those goods like clothing and food which are of direct use by the humans in order to satisfy their wants and needs.

Convenience Goods

Those goods, which are comparatively easily available to the consumer without putting in any extra effort, are convenience goods. There are conveniently available to the customer in a wider variety. Convenience goods are normally non durable, and are of a relatively low value like fast foods, cigarettes etc. Further these are classified into 2 categories:
Staple convenience goods: The staple convenience goods are the basic items that every consumer plans to buy before entering a store and these include bread, milk, paper etc.
Impulsive convenience goods: The impulsive convenience goods are purchased with out any prior planning and the examples include chips, candies, soft drinks, wafers, ice creams etc

Shopping Goods

The shopping goods are the products that a buyer purchases after conducting a thorough comparison within the same product line but from different shops, stores or outlets. After this pre-research, the consumer makes a final deliberate buying decision. These goods, are of a relatively more value than that of the convenience goods, and are bought infrequently (unlike convenience goods) and are durable. Buying decisions revolve around the price of the good, shape, color, size, quality etc. Examples include computer, TV, bedding, camping equipment etc. A deep-seated strategy is established by the stores that specialize in them to be located in near by vicinity where the active shopping outlets are present. The on going promotional strategies of such kinds are advertising through mass media.

Specialty Goods

The unique and unusual products are specialty goods, which are at least mapped in the customer’s mind. The buyer know exactly how much effort he has to exert to obtain it – normally these are of high value and the may not, or may be durable. The price is not amongst the chief considerations so these differ a bit from the shopping goods. Examples are of automobiles, jewelry, antiques.

Unsought Goods

This category is really a specific category of the consumer goods where the people do not have any desire to shop the product. They normally do not have any need, but instead of to be used on some special occasions.

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