One of the known company from Oil and gas industry is ENI. It is an Italy based international company. ENI is operating in almost 79 countries worldwide. It is head quartered in Italy’s city Rome and almost 79000 workers are working under its applied rules. Since July 24, 2008, it is one of Italy leading industry with an 87, 7 billion market capitalization. They are specialize in manufacturing, engineering and both offshore and onshore together for the oil & gas company in the course of contributory business.

ENI SWOT Analysis


• ENI holds a very strong market position in the market due to its services and which makes them one of the well known international company.

• One of the strongest point of ENI is its existence in the chain of energy and it make it one of the largest oil and gas producing company throughout the world .

• By taking their first success in the market place the company have developed strong research and development (R&D) capabilities to face different complexities which they may face in the future.


• Some the financial issues were seen in the company because of the financial crises in European.

• The company has poor administration now a days.

• There performance in petrochemicals division is very weak.

• Many companies have different unique features which do not conflict with other company characteristics or uniqueness in this case the company has lower down the danger of authorizing but having developed weak relationships around the world which is very dangerous for them.

• ENI was about to construct an Oil plant in late 1960’s on the Canvey Island, Essex in England, but it never got completed due to disagreement in the company and client.


• The company can take benefits from  Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) . as it is getting more valuable than other products. It also helps in expanding the inputs of energy and lower down the risk of gases which are produced by greenhouse.

• By having secure cash flow and stable area may get profit for the company in such resource or the future because the demand of Liquefied Natural Gas is increasing day by day.

• The energy which is produced from the recycled products could high income edge and may increase the income growth. .


• Political threats can increase the price of doing business, mainly in foreign countries. Such type of risks could do a lot damage to the company, and creates a lot of problem

• Many energy companies are facing a continuous downfall due to the political risks from an uneven government.

• These factors are the most important factor in any possible saving, because these factors can end those investment results.

• The increase in the competition in the companies could be danger for them.


ENI, (2012), Company History, Official company Webpage:  Retrieved: 21thNiv, 2012

Yahoo Finance, (2012), Company overview: Retrieved: 21th Nov, 2012

Energy routes, ENI energy resources, (2012): Retrieved: 21th Nov, 2012

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